10x’ing your conversion rate with Canadian Buyers
Improving your Canadian Buyer Experience No longer can e-commerce shops focus solely on the buying experience of domestic customers. International customers are clamoring for products outside their home country. But because of high shipping prices, erratic duties and fees, and long shipping times these customers are having a much different experience than domestic customers. Nearly 60%
Fun with Flags
It’s amazing how big the internet is. If you spend any amount of time searching you’ll quickly discover that there are products for absolutely everything. You are never going to be the only person who has thought of a particular niche, you just aren’t. You can try to compete with better designs but sometimes that isn’t enough.
Apple Pay: a better way to pay
Making a sale is a three part process. First, you have to get them to your site, then you have to get them to add something to their cart, finally they need to complete checkout. Unfortunately, the drop off at each step is pretty high. What if you could make step three much easier? With
Creating the perfect sticker
This week, we are going to talk about our sticker offerings. At teelaunch we offer a removable, individually die-cut vinyl sticker. They are 3” x 4” created with an 1/8 inch white border around the design. The stickers are priced at $2 for the first sticker and $1.50 per additional with a flat shipping rate
Put it in a pouch: announcing accessory pouches
We’re trying really hard to increase our product lines to enable you to have something for every potential customer that comes your way. I think we’ve found something here that everyone could use/would want, accessory pouches. So let’s put it in a pouch. Don’t let kangaroos be the only ones who have pouches. Sometimes you have
Grown up trick or treating bags
This time of year is great for selling things online. Here at teelaunch we basically prep the whole year for the 4th quarter. Of the holidays this time of year, Christmas is the obvious choice to target, everyone needs gifts. However, this year we want to help you start making money even earlier. We came
Supercharge your store with these apps
The beauty of Shopify is the ability to use apps to help increase your sales, drive traffic, make your website more functional, or even take care of daunting administrative tasks. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of both free and paid apps that will allow you to get your shop up to snuff and start raking
More options: Introducing American Apparel shirts
Here at teelaunch we’ve always tried to make our offerings affordable. We’ve worked really hard to be able to offer shirts starting at $8.50/each. However, as we’ve grown, we’ve come to realize that some of our customers are looking for a more premium option, something that costs a bit more but they can also get
Show your walls you care with posters
One thing that has been missing from our product offering for too long has been something for walls. That ends today with the launch of our new poster line. Why posters you ask? Posters are great for letting you personalize your space and let everyone know what you’re into. Whether it’s at home or the
Why Totes?
Let’s talk about tote bags. To me they are one of the products that slips under the radar but is one that you should definitely be carrying in your store. Why? I’m glad you asked. Universal Has someone ever told you that they weren’t a t-shirt person or they don’t like using phone cases? It’s