There is nothing more exciting or strange than having a product “go viral.” We had that happen last week with our friends at tumblr. In case you haven’t seen, we launched our new bracelet product. Tumblr came to us looking for something different, as their users were getting tired of the same products over and over. So we put on our thinking cap and came up with a fun bracelet design with a meme tie in.

This version of the bracelet sold pretty well, definitely the best seller of June so far. But users kept leaving comments on the ads that they wanted it in ancient Akkadian Cuneiform (it makes sense when you learn more about the meme). A second Akkadian Cuneiform version was created that ended up selling over 5x of the first design (selling over 500 bracelets in the first 48 hours and tumblr then placed a massive order to account for future sales). It was nuts.
You’re probably wondering what’s the point of this post, are you just bragging. Nope, the takeaway here is trying unique products is a must and always listen to your customers, they’ll be happy to tell you exactly what they want.