Effortlessly Import Thousands of Orders in a Snap with teelaunch’s CSV Importer Tool!

Effortlessly Import Thousands of Orders in a Snap with teelaunch’s CSV Importer Tool!

We’re buzzing with excitement to introduce a cool new feature! We know so many of you teelaunch members love selling personalized designs. While our image replacement feature has been pretty nifty for years, we thought, “Why not make it even better?”

Enter the all-new, super user-friendly CSV order importer! We’ve been putting our noses to the grindstone over the past months to make sure it’s not just good, but awesome. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. CSV Template Fun: Start by filling this out.
    • Label: Jot down your internal ID here for easy tracking.
    • First/Last Name: Gotta have ’em!
    • Email & Phone: If you want, but no pressure.
    • Address Details: We’ll need the country, address, and city. Other stuff? Up to you!
    • Quantity & Variant ID: Super important!
  2. Picking Your Product: Just peek at the variant ID reference to choose. Each choice, like “Gildan 5000, Black, L”, gets its unique ID. Use that to tell us which fab product to whip up. And hey, remember that every product has its print location, like the front or back of a shirt. So, for our example, if the variant ID is 150, the print location are ‘Front Shirt’ and ‘Back Shirt’. Got artwork for both sides? Fill ’em in. Just one side? Pop the link in the right cell. Got your images on Amazon S3 or Dropbox? Perfect, just drop in the link!
  3. Upload Time: Once your sheet’s all set, upload it to our system.
  4. Validation Station: Our system will do a little check. It’ll make sure everything’s A-okay. A few things to watch out for:
    • Image type & size: Make sure they’re right for the product.
    • Print Location: Ensure the column matches the product.

Want to double-check orders before they’re made? Just switch on ‘order hold’ in settings. Then you can release each order when you’re ready!